Thursday, February 16, 2012

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  1. Thank you for bringing so many things to light. I'm seeing things differently. I was not sure about this. Sounded good, but it all seemed to happen quickly. Anyway, I appreciate the info! We can't rush into something like this.

  2. I am glad someone is speaking out against this ridiculous referendum. This is,in my opinion based off of Steve McNeal's words,based soley on a need for outside communities to look at Beloit in a better light. There is absolutely no concern over the fact that Mcneel doesn't have enough textbooks for students to be assigned homework. In fact,instead of dealing with educational issues, the MEO club raised $10,000 for a sign so the school would look better. There has also been talk about fundraising for play equipment for McNeel. The district has obviously misusing money already, why give them $70 million dollars to do it with?
